TCSenpai's Garden
TCSenpai's Garden
AI Convos Notes
Gemma 3 Scenario for AI takeover incident
Llama 3.1 8b and Mistral Nemo talking to each other
Chat Llama 405b
Claude Artifacts
Claude Sonnet 3.5 22Oct24
Copilot Chat
Gemini 1.5
Perplexity ai_20240607
Guide to The Silmarillion - Of Beleriand and Its Realms
How Magic works in harry potter
Jar jar binks sith lord
Jar Jar Binks was a Sith Lord
Isometric Gen 1 Pokemon
Health, Mind and so on
10 tips to stay healthy as a developer
ADHD, Lead and Heavy Metals
Alloying People
Amygdala Hijack
Autogenic Training How To
Bacteria (and Their Metabolites) and Depression
Be a thermostat, not a thermometer
Delusional dreams of excess freedom
Don’t judge tech because you are old
Eating less can lead to a longer life
Energy-based model explains how chronic stress transforms into disease over time
Feynman Technique
Finding your edge - Do hard things carefully
Forced Focus is Weird and Daunting
Happiness Chemicals Howto
How to become an expert in anything
Inversion thinking
Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effectsof Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition
Mental Models General Intro
Minimal Desk Setup by Kristen Radtke
Munger Operating System
Occam's Razor
Pranayama & Fire Breath
Pregnancy Causes Lasting Changes in a Woman's Brain
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) How To
Psilocybin Bests SSRI for MDD in First Long-Term Comparison
Relativity and relativism
Saluto al Sole in meno di 2 minuti
Second-Order Thinking
Sleep on it How the brain processes many experiences — even when ‘offline’
Teenagers Incur Unpayable Emotional Debt by Living at the Speed of Light
The Body Keeps The Score
The medieval notion that shows why even experts should be humble
The Role of Inflammation in Depression and Fatigue
The skill of naming what’s happening in the room
Violence alters human genes for generations, researchers discover
When Sleep Deprivation Is an Antidepressant
Why Do We Feel Emotions in the Gut. The Connection Between the Gut and the Brain
Wim Hof
Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning
You Can't Say You Don't Know
‘Visual clutter’ alters information flow in the brain
From Samurai to MIT engineer
History of Foo Bar
How MIT’s Rad Lab rescued D-Day
Remembering Cyberia
Visualizing World War II
Ideas and Theories
Anatomy of an internet argument
Egemonia Gramsciana by Barbero
Hacker's Laws
Holographic theory of learning
Human Life in a Complicated World
Is Success Luck or Hard Work
Jevons Paradox
Lava is a soup
Move Slow and Fix Things
Nothing Ever Happens
Ode to a world-saving idea - the fundamental attribution error
Parkinson’s Law
Piracy is Acceptable (Survey)
Sarumans and Radagasts - Two archetypes of deep magic that make the world go round
Shitposting Our Way Through the Singularity
The Art of Finishing
The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
The GNU Manifesto
The Quiet art of Attention
The Synergy Model
Would software engineers be considered working class?
En Passant
Regex Chess
Something weird is happening with LLMs and chess
A Brief History of Digital Gardens
Bayes Theorem
Calculating Empires
Companies that Owns Everything
Hiroshi Nagai
Introduction to Stoicism
Introduzione allo Stoicismo
Kaprekar's Constant (6174)
NSA builds secret backdoors in the new encryption standards
Phase Behaviour of Cacio e Pepe
Pi's Evil Twin (Lemniscate)
Piano di Rinascita Democratica della Loggia P2
Simple sabotage for software
The Impact of Jungle Music in 90s Video Game Development
The Terrorist Timepiece - Casio F-91W
What Happened in 1971?
When Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in the same place
Literature, Writing, Poetry
Master Collection
A cosa servono i poeti
Bionic Reading
Can Reading maake you Happier?
Ex library delights
Journaling in Stoicism - Tips and Tricks
Non andartene docile in quella buona notte
Poetry Was an Official Olympic Event
The Ethics of Book Pirating
The Evolution of Alphabet
Wallah, Yallah, and Other Super Addictive Arabic Words
Writing is Scaffolding
Management and Work related
'Deduction' vs. 'Induction' vs. 'Abduction'
A developer who writes large correct programs
Against Best Practices
Applying Lessons from Sun Tzu and The Art of War to Everyday Life
AWK - Advanced Text Processing
Be someone who does things
Chill Out at Work - Reduce Stress by Applying the 80,20 Principle
Choose your engineering archetype
Cigarette breaks without cigarettes
Clever code is probably the worst code you could write
Consistency is King
Don't be Frupid
Eisenhower Matrix
Experts vs Imitators
How to Accomplish Things When You Are Not Feeling It
How to talk to non developers
Ideals and Reality
Is sending Factorio to your competitors' engineers a cost-effective means of sabotage?
Johnny.Decimal System
Just for Fun. No, Really
Obsessions and Results
Pareto Chart
Pareto Principle 80.20
Stop Ignoring Your High Performers
Stop solving the wrong problem
storytelling lessons I learned from Steve Jobs
The complexity paradox
The Journey of Creating the Memo Whiteboard Wallet Xometry Pro
Use A Work Journal To Recover Focus Faster And Clarify Your Thoughts
Work smarter, work slower
Science and Related
A New Map of All the Particles and Forces
Ancient viral DNA in the human genome linked to major psychiatric disorders
Birds & Dreams
Cats are Liquid
Close up Photos of the Moon
Compound Interest
Dehydration is associated with poorer performance on a sustained attention task
Folic Acid vs Active Folate
How receptors work in the brain
How the brain processes many experiences even when ‘offline’
Life Creation from a Scientific POV
Quantum Zeno Effect
Simulating worlds on the GPU
Taking a Casio F91W 5km deep
The Hidden World of Electrostatic Ecology
The importance of stupidity in scientific research
The Social Benefits of Getting Our Brains in Sync
Valley of stability
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
A Simple CPU on the Game of Life
Against AI generated content and communications
Algorithms In Python
Analyzing CPUs at nanometer sclae
Any place in 3 Words (Cohordinates)
Being Raised by the Internet
Building AppImage(s) manually
Computing the day of the week for any given date
Cython tutorial How to speed up Python
Docker inner workings
Dockerfile cheatsheet
Electrical laws
Find websites by color
Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, Fourteen Eyes
Fusion Startup Conducts Strange Ceremony Involving Woman With Wires Coming Out of Her Back
Getting Root with a Cigarette Lighter
GUIs are Antisocial
Hexadecimal Sucks
How SSH Really Works
Introduction to Hash Algorithms
LoRa Mesh Networking
Lua Hashbang
Making a Voice-Based Robot using Whisper.cpp
Mapping the Mind of a Large Language Model
My favourite colour is Chuck Norris red
Perceptual Hashing Libraries
Privacy Creating your Threat Model
Search Engine Comparison
Shebang for Python virtual env
SSTV Image Transmission
Three Laws of Software Complexity
Time spent programming is often time well spent
TUI, CLI and Terminal Apps
Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop shut
Types vs Interfaces - TypeScript
Understanding LLMs from scratch using middle school math
URL Lengthener
Using uv as shebang
What is an AI Agent?
What is Perceptual Hashing
Where Unix Came From
Why do we call it boilerplate code • Buttondown
Z-Library Helps Students to Overcome Academic Poverty
yuval - nexus
TCSenpai's Digital Garden
Highlights Imports
ALFA Progetto Calliste
Alice nel paese della vaporità
Clear thinking. Pensa come un agente segreto
Colloqui con sé stesso
Unknown Title
Dungeons&Dragons - Doric la druida
E l'eco rispose
Fine e Inizio
Unknown Title
Unknown Title
Il Demone - Il ciclo del Demone 1
Il dito e la luna
Unknown Title
Unknown Title
Il priorato dell'albero delle arance
Unknown Title
Il signore degli anelli
Il Silmarillion
L'arte dell'invisibilità
La danza dei maestri Wu Li -- Zukav, Gary -- 2019 -- Corbaccio -- 9788867007608 -- d6039d98a32286c69594d5eda0534bfc -- Anna’s Archive
La forchetta, la strega, il drago
La leggenda di Hyrule
La Nascita di Un Mago
Unknown Title
Le Guide Del Tramonto
Unknown Title
Mao Tse-Tung - 1963 - Il libretto rosso
Unknown Title
Nexus (edizione italiana)
Unknown Title
Piccole abitudini per grandi cambiamenti (Italian Edition)
The Cybergypsies [ITA] [AITranslation] [Mistral22b]
The long way. Il lungo viaggio
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan: Kurdistan, Women's Revolution and Democratic Confederalism
Tutti i miei robot
Ultima genesi