See also Mental Models General Intro, Stop Ignoring Your High Performers, Choose your engineering archetype

Alloying is the art of mixing elements to create something greater than the sum of its parts. While our intuition tells us that pure substances are best, alloying shows this is not always true. One plus one can equal ten. By blending ingredients in precise proportions, metallurgists can create materials with bespoke properties—the lightness of aluminum with the strength of steel, the corrosion resistance of chromium with the affordability of iron.

But alloying isn’t just about physical properties. It’s a metaphor for the power of diversity and combination in all walks of life. In teams, alloying is the mixing of different skills, perspectives, and personalities to create a more creative, adaptable, and resilient group than any individual could be alone. In ideas, it’s the blending of concepts from different fields to spark innovation and insight.

In people, alloying is the combination of skills that makes them unstoppable. Consider a person possessing deep engineering skills who can clearly explain ideas. They are more valuable than someone with just the engineering skills. Now add empathy, humility, resilience, and drive. This person becomes incredibly rare.

The key to successful alloying is knowing which elements to combine and in what proportions. Too little of one ingredient and you don’t get the desired effect; too much and you might end up with something brittle or unstable. The art lies in finding the sweet spot, the golden ratio where the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts.